Satie sat at tea

vla, pno
Duration: 11:00
Date of Composition: 1985


Imagine what music you might play at a tea party with Erik Satie as one of your guests.  The music, to my mind, would be Satie Sat at Tea, music without strong unity, German or French, a happy music that simply moves along from one idea to another, never to tell you more about anything than you want to know.  The title is a quote from a book by the American poet Jonathan Williams, to whom the music is dedicated.  Ironically, Satie Sat at Tea is an utterance of extreme unification, every word in clear relation to the composer’s name.  I like to think that Satie would have liked this loosely woven music with a tightly woven title.                -James Sellars


Satie Sat At Tea (1985) (for Jonathan Williams) - Leslie Tomkins - viola / Michael Barrett - piano.